The 2024/2025 service season in full swing
The 2024/2025 season is now in full swing. As Akerboom GSN looks back on the first part of the service season, we can conclude that it has been a busy period. We have been servicing or upgrading our clients' equipment to prepare them for the next sailing season. So far, we have visited more than 10 countries and carried out 93 projects at various locations, ranging from minor adjustments to major overhauls and equipment upgrades, such as extending gangways and upgrading hydraulic systems and controls to the latest standards.

When we were in preparation for the 2024/2025 service season, Akerboom Global Service Network (GSN) expanded the service team and invested in training to ensure we are ready for the season. The team now consists of 7 coordinators, 2 work preparers, and 3 mechanical engineers. Additionally, we are excited to announce the launch of our new website, which provides detailed information about our services, capabilities and presence.
The 2024/2025 season is now in full swing. As Akerboom GSN looks back on the first part of the service season, we can conclude that it has been a busy period. We have been servicing or upgrading our clients’ equipment to prepare them for the next sailing season. So far, we have visited more than 10 countries and carried out 93 projects at various locations, ranging from minor adjustments to major overhauls and equipment upgrades, such as extending gangways and upgrading hydraulic systems and controls to the latest standards.
We would like to thank our technicians for their dedication, having been on the road for 912 days so far. We expect this number to increase further as the season progresses.
As an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Akerboom GSN has all the knowledge about your equipment from the new build phase and the subsequent sailing days. You benefit from our knowledge and the developments that take place in newbuilds, making them also available to you. This allows us to efficiently upgrade your equipment to the latest state of the art. This season we have had the pleasure of upgrading 6 yachts in 4 countries. We have some exciting and challenging upgrades planned for the coming period.
We thank our clients for their confidence in Akerboom. If you would like to know more about the opportunities and possibilities that Akerboom has to offer, please download the information you require from our website.